just procrastinating

Tuesday, March 16, 2004

Wasted Efforts?
Found via this week's Carnival of the Vanities: this sure hits home, from Harvey at Bad Money:
LeeAnn of The Cheese Stands Alone asks (although not in so many words) the quintessential blogger's question: "Why the hell am I spending an hour tweaking this stupid five-sentence throw-away entry?"

Oh, darlin', do I EVER know THAT feeling! More times than I can count, I've sweated blood, re-reading, re-editing, over and over & over, trying to perfect a stupid little bit of twaddle that I know in my heart will get neither links nor comments. It'll be read in 30 seconds and forgotten in five. No one's life will be saved by what I write, much less even marginally improved. So why all the fuss?
If anything, at least the process of developing an idea into something somewhat cohesive, writing it out and editing it has some use in the business world. The iterative process of blogging has sped up my business writing, leaving me more time for, well...more blogging, I guess.

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