just procrastinating

Tuesday, March 16, 2004

Nixon's Take on Kerry
I saw this on NBC news last night and thought it was pretty interesting. Apparently John Kerry's actions related to protesting the Vietnam War rose to the level of President Nixon. Here is what they thought of him:
The Nixon White House saw Kerry as a threat, and set out to discredit him and infiltrate his organization. The week after the protest rally, Nixon is heard discussing Kerry with White House aide Charles Colson:

Colson: This fellow Kerry that they had on last week --

Nixon: Yeah.

Colson: -- hell, he turns out to be, uh, really quite a phony.

Nixon: Well, he is sort of a phony, isn't he?

Colson: Well, he stayed, when he was here --

Nixon: Stayed out in Georgetown, yeah. [edit]

Colson: -- was out at the best restaurants every night and, uh --

Nixon: Sure.

Colson: -- you know, he's just, the complete opportunist.

Nixon: A racket, sure. [edit]

Colson: We’ll keep hitting him, Mr. President.
The thing about this is that I'm sure he probably is a big phony and a complete opportunist, but look at the messenger. Having Nixon talk smack about you isn't particularly damning, in fact, it would seem to be kind of a good thing--unless you are Alex P. Keaton.

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