just procrastinating

Monday, March 22, 2004

Hollywood Homicide
We rented Hollywood Homicide over the weekend. It was barely watchable. The movie just didn't click with me and I had a hard time accepting Harrison Ford as street detective. By his age, haven't most cops retired? Anyway, I don't know what happened to him, but Harrison Ford hasn't made a decent movie since Air Force One, and I think it is unlikely that he ever will again. I pray that I am wrong, because I want to like the fourth Indiana Jones movie when it arrives, which I guess isn't until 2006.

Ever since Harrison Ford left his wife and started hanging out with skinny girls almost half his age, he just has lost some respect in my eyes. And not just for that. It seems like he went from a cool, strong silent type to some awkward old guy with spiked hair and an earring. And this is from someone who has held him in high esteem ever since I was a kid. Even now, I try to incorporate as much of Indiana Jones' and Han Solo's style into my everyday life: Just today I was looking at spreadsheet of some kind and I thought, "I wonder how Dr. Jones would display this data to maximize the effectiveness of this presentation, and in doing so, look cool."

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