just procrastinating

Thursday, March 18, 2004

Extreme Makeover
I got roped in to watching Extreme Makeover last night. This is the kind of show that can get you in the first minute because you instantly become curious about what the "patients" will look like when they are done. This week they had Jerry, a pretty normal looking 39-year old man who had a bad nose and teeth and was a little soft all around. They also had Manu, a Filipino woman who was an Army Captain, and just wasn't quite as feminine looking as she wanted to be. Both of them seemed like very nice people who had loving supportive families, but just were unhappy with their appearances.

Part of me thinks that there is something wrong with expecting that your life will change by making major surgical alterations in your appearance. But I do understand that these people have probably been plagued their whole life with some feature or features that they have fixated on for years, and finally resolving that issue removes a burden from them. Still, there is something not quite right about this.

The nice thing about watching this show is seeing the faces of people when they finally see their new look. On this one, Jerry couldn't stop laughing he was so happy, and Manu, like most of the women on these, just cried and cried. These people are just so genuinely happy, and its nice to see that. On this episode, I thought Manu ended up looking great; and while Jerry looked better than before, they made him look kinda gay...not that there is anything wrong with that.

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