just procrastinating

Monday, May 01, 2006

Dog Weekend
We moved into a new house last year and were the only house on the cul-de-sac, so we kind of just let our dog out and she had free reign. She usually stayed in the yard and came back when she felt like it. Well now the cul-de-sac is filling up with houses and theses houses have kids, and we have to do something to make sure that she stays in our yard, especially because we aren’t going to have as much time to look after her once this baby comes next month. She has no idea what she’s in for.

So I spent the better part of yesterday trying to install an electric fence for my dog. Like most household projects, I enter them optimistically thinking that I should be able to take care of them in a couple of hours or so. You know, 1000 feet of wire to bury, figure I can do about 10 feet per minute, done in a couple of hours. For whatever reason, it never seems to work out that way. There are so many rocks around here and the ground is so hard from lack of rain that I was lucky if I could get 2 feet of it buried per minunte. We got about a quarter of it done and decided that maybe it would best to put the rest of it off until after the next rainfall.

My dog was watching the entire time and I kept telling her, "This is all for you." But it really is all for us. She isn't going to like it one bit, but it will put us at ease to know that she isn't out getting hit by a car or terrorizing the neighbor's kids.

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