just procrastinating

Tuesday, February 24, 2004

Good editorial in the post this morning by David Ignatius about the Dishonest Trade Talk that the candidates are engaging in. Here he talks about the Democratic candidates and compares their stance on trade to Clinton's:
In the run-up to last week's Wisconsin primary, Edwards was proclaiming himself the anti-NAFTA candidate, which to me is the economic equivalent of joining the Flat Earth Society. A defensive Kerry was almost apologizing for his support for the 1993 free-trade pact with Mexico and blasting "Benedict Arnold CEOs" who export jobs overseas in an effort to cut costs.

This anti-trade talk is dangerous nonsense, and the Democrats should be embarrassed by it. It suggests to U.S. workers that there is an alternative to change and adaptation -- to getting the skills that are necessary to compete in an increasingly competitive world. That's wrong, most of all because it misleads people about their real options. Rather than helping workers build a bridge to the future, as Clinton tried to do, these Democrats talk as if they want to build a roadblock. Shame on them.
Kinda makes you miss the big lug sometimes. I voted for Clinton, twice, although the second time I was kinda wavering. Dole just didn't have any appeal at the time, although I thought he was a pretty funny guy. It a shame that the candidates have engage in this kind of protectionism, but I guess they wouldn't do it if it didn't win them some votes. Clinton did a couple of brave things in his day, going against the party line by advocating free trade and taking on welfare.

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