just procrastinating

Wednesday, March 31, 2004

Air America
Here is an article in the NYT about Air America Radio, which purports itself to be the left's answer to Rush Limbaugh. Wasn't Air America also the name of a lame Mel Gibson/Robert Downey jr. movie?

I like talk radio and if any radio stations in the area can pick this up, I will certainly give it a try, but my guess is that this is probably about right:
Then there is the question in radio and conservative circles whether liberals can be entertaining enough for talk radio.

"Sometimes they just sound so grim," said Neal Boortz, a libertarian whose Atlanta-based program is syndicated to more than 180 stations. "My god, the foreboding."

Mr. Sinton said Air America needed to be wary of that tendency.

"The problem with really wonkish policy discussion is that it does not attract or hold a mass audience," he said.
Even when I was more liberally inclined, I still kinda liked to tune into Rush Limbaugh. Half of what he said was crap, but it was presented in an entertaining manner and even if it was outrageous it was still kept your attention. I still listen to him, but now I'd say only a third of what he says is crap. I think Air America could get some cross over people as long as they keep it entertaining, and not the gloom and doom that you tend to get from the left.

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