Bush Haters
Jeff Jarvis with some common sense about why Dean doesn't appeal to voters like me:
Jeff Jarvis with some common sense about why Dean doesn't appeal to voters like me:
Howard Dean is sliding in Iowa and New Hampshire and all God's children have their analyses; here's mine: Victory will not come from sniping. We don't want to elect Dr. No and then find him in office. We want to elect a Dr. Yes who makes things happen. Howard Dean has not so much made himself into a radical as he has made himself into Dr. No.Read the whole thing. Even though I was always down on Edwards, I kind of like him all of a sudden, because he is running a positive campaign. And maybe I'd vote for him if he won the nomination, since I think tax increases are basically off the table as long as we have a Republican Congress.
He has made himself into the leader of the negative wing of the party. And it's hurting him now.