MS Tour De Vine UpdateWell, despite my best intentions, I didn't do the whole 150 miles as I thought I would. Saturday I got up, felt great went out strong at 7:10 AM and had the first 20 miles done by 8:30. At this pace, I was going to be done by noon. Ah, but then, the wind started kicking up and the hills started getting steep. I made it to the lunch stop by 11:15 which was mile 47. There I met my wife and in-laws who tried to persuade me to leave with them, but I pressed on.
Somewhere aroung mile 60, something bit me on my side, and it hurt. I shrugged it off despite persistent thoughts that maybe it was black widow spider and I was developing necrotizing fasciitis. After the rest stop on mile 66 everyone said the rest was supposed to be downhill, except for the last mile. Once you plant that in your mind, it's hard when you run into more hills, but I made it. I crossed the finish line around 2PM, so about 7 hours of riding.
I'm glad I did it, but when the alarm went off on Sunday, I decided that I wasn't up for another day on my bike, so I turned it off and went back to sleep. After you climb Mount Everest, it's not like you are going wake up the next day and do it again.